axial flow engine A gas turbine that uses a compressor to force air rearward straight through a series of rotating and stationary blades. azimuth Horizontal direction or bearing. ball The primary optical landing aid aboard an aircraft carrier. (See FLOLS.) bandit A plane identified as an enemy aircraft. BARCAP Barrier combat patrol. Bitchin' Betty An electronic female voice used in the F-16 to warn the pilot of potentially dangerous situations. blackout A loss of vision (or consciousness) due to pulling too many positive g's. blended wing body A design in which the fuselage and wing are faired smoothly together without the usual angular intersection. bogey A potentially hostile or unidentified aircraft. bow The front of a ship. brown shirt The plane captain on an aircraft carrier. BUFF Big Ugly Fat F--ker, the nickname for the B-52. cabin altimeter Instrument which measures the air pressure inside the